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Volume 1 - World History Sample Lessons

From Volume I—World History: Historical Periods Example (Note: The formatting has slightly changed with these examples. In the actual collection of lessons, lessons will usually print as a two page lesson, thus enabling you to print one front and back page…)

8 Unification and Colonization 1836-1913

1. In A______, the We__ is settled, thus uproo____ Nat___ Ame_____ cultures…

2. In America, a C____ War (18___-18___) takes place between the N____ and the S_____ over the issue of s______ in the new terr________, and the existence of s______ in general. Can___ is still a part of the Br_____ Emp___…

3. Eur______ exp____ the interior of Af____; by 1914, almost all of Africa is col______ by Euro_____…

4. Despite the slow decline of the Ott____ Empire, Isl____ armies maintain con____ of No___ Af____, as well as its home base of T______.

5. Bri____ controls Ind__, Bur___, Mala___, Aus______, and N___ Ze_______.

6. Fr____ colonizes Southe____ Asia—Vie____, La__, and Cam______. Siam (Tha_____) remains independent.

7. The Du___ (from the Neth_______) still control Indo______.

8. In 1898, Am_____ takes Cu___, Pu____ R___, Gua__, and the Phili______ from Sp___ in the Spa____-Am_____ War.

9. The Ind______ R_________ continues to cha___ the world as more and more people live in ci____ and work in fa________. Overcrow____, poll______, and exploit_______ of workers (including wo____ and chi_____) are commonplace. Capitalism is making some people r____, but many workers feel explo____, and thus arises a competing economic ideology—comm________.

10. Both Ch____ and Ja____, which had long been isol____, were forced to open up to tr____ with Eu__________. In China, the Opi___ Wars occurred due to the Bri____ pushing opi___ as a trade good. By the end of the 1800’s, Japan, influenced by Western tr___, began to indus______ and become a world po____.

11.The year of 1848 is known as the year of rev_______, for the people in many European countries, frustrated with how they were gov_______, reb_______.

12. Highlights/Major Events/Major Figures:

1. The Ind______ Revolution—Isambard Kingdom Brunei, James Nasmyt__, Henry

Besse____, George Pull____, George Westingho____, Samuel Gompers, Frank Sprague

2. The Opium Wars btwn Ch___ and Bri____--Lim Tse-hsu, The First Opium W___, The

Treaty of Nanj___, The Taiping Rebe_____, The Sec___ Opium War, Treaty of Tianjin

3. 1848, the Year of Revolutions in Eur____--Giuseppe Mazzini, The Charti___ Movement

4. Japan Ope___ and Modernizes—Millard Fill_____, Commodore Matthew Per___, Treaty

of Kanagawa, Emperor Mutsuhi___, The Meiji Government, The Russo-Ja______ W__

5.The American C____ War—Un____ vs Confe_____, President Abraham L_____,

Jefferson Da____, General Ulysses S. G_____, General Robert E. L___, Harriet Tu_____

6.The British Constitutional Act Spl___ Can____ into British and Fr____-speaking

territories—Louis Joseph Papineau, William Lyon Macken____, Canadian Pacific Rai____

7. It__ Unites as a Nat__--Victor Emmanuel II, Count Camillo Cavou_, Giuseppe Garibald_

8. Prussia and the Unification of Ger_____--Napoleon III, Otto von Bismarc__, North

German Confeder______, The Franco-Prussian W___, German Second Reic__

9. The Scramble For Afr____--Colonialism, The Su___ Canal, The Ber____ Conference

10. Ireland—Daniel O’Conne___, The Potato Fam____, Charles Parn____, The Fenians

11. Colonies in Southeast A___--Fre___, Bri____, Dutch

12. The Br_____ Empire—Queen Vi______, The British E___ India Company

13. The Plai___ Wars in the American Midw____--Introduction of the hor___, Bu_____

Hunting, Plains tri____, The Homestead A___ of 1862, George Cus____, Si_____ Bull,

The Union Pacific R______, Chi____ immigrants, The G___ Ru___, Wounded Kn___

14. Aust______--British convi____, Abori_____, squatt___, Robert O’Hara Burke, The

Go__ Ru___, Ned Kell__, The Commonwe____ of Australia


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